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"Empowering Communities

Farmers practising the demo
After training from OCA, farmers were able to practice the demo which was carried out in Mr. Edwards field

Farmers posing with their inputs (soya)
Farmers who were beneficiaries of OCA under the stipulated groups received their agricultural inputs.

Green economy; farmers receive their graviera trees for planting

Farmers trained how to make organic pestcide

Farmers receiving the materials for goat shelter

Farmers spraying the crops using the organic pestcide.

Farmers being trained by OCA on agronomic practices(organic farming)
Farmers received training in planting, post harvesting and harvesting of beans, soya and maize. This was done for six days.

Farmers receiving training manuals
Training manuals were given to farmers to help them understand and refer to it when they need more understanding during and outside training

Soil sampling
Farmers were trained on how to take soil samples and sensitised on the importance of soil sampling.
Project Solarise
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Subsitence Farming
Cultivate Green Living, Embrace Agriculture.
Many farmers who are beneficiaries have been able to sustain their lives provide for their families two meals a day, provide education for their children and set up small business from subsistence and commercial farming.
Organic Farming
We train farmers on how to make manure and use organic raw materials to make pesticides to reduce use of chemicals that reduce the fertility of the soil
In association with different partners, OCA provides the farmers with ready market that will buy the produce from the beneficiaries at a averagely better price in the market
Renewable Energy
Farmers are trained to make renewable energy from animal wastes like cow dung and litter
Priority Support
Its the pleasure of OCA to provide quality support in empowering the community through diversified area like agriculture, education and hygiene as well as human rights.